Tracy Carreon

Educator, Speaker, Traveler, Mom

Helping you Keep it R.E.A.L. while you Explore, Experience and Evolve.


“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”     ― Hermann Hesse

My Story

We all have a story…a journey we’ve traveled to who and where we are. Mine? Well, I’ve been an educator, writer and speaker for…a long time. I’ve taken classes, read books, earned  degrees, and yet have learned – and continue to learn – the most through being a mom, partner, friend and …human being.  I’ve also survived mistakes, enjoyed  successes and been honored and blessed with incredible mentors and fellow learners. Being a teacher and seeker at heart I’m always driven to find patterns, put pieces together, dig deeper, then compile and share my thoughts, findings and ah-has. It’s that drive that brings me here, to this forum…creating space to share and learn, to question and grow and hopefully to make a difference. 

Now, for some of the bio stuff…

I began teaching English in high school classrooms, becoming quickly –  and heartbreakingly – aware that my students were missing skills beyond academics vital to their success…skills such as coping with stress, managing emotions, balancing life’s responsibilities and setting meaningful goals. This realization led me to earn a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and certifications in Emotional Intelligence Assessment, hypnosis and Mindful Coaching.

Throughout my career I’ve worked with diverse populations – from at-risk teens to women in recovery to government and corporate employees – facilitating psychoeducational classes, workshops and talks on Stress Management, Emotional Intelligence, the Science of Happiness  and Mindfulness.  I’ve written an award-winning novel and a workbook for goal-setting, as well as produced a guided imagery CD for managing stress. 

For the past several years I’ve been a Developmental Psychology  instructor at Front Range Community College, and continue to coach, facilitate groups and deliver presentations.

I’m also a lover of travel…one who feels deeply called to create unique and beautiful experiences for my family. As I have discovered the ways travel challenges and expands me as a person, I’ve added it to the ways I choose to share. 

Being one who walks the line between science and Self, in all I do I seek to blend the latest in neuroscience, psychology, and wellness principles, to help inspire others, and continually myself, to unlock potential for increased resilience, focus, awareness and meaningful, beautiful, inspired living.


Books and CD

Complimentary Resources

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